Jinan's first autonomous bus began trial operations in the city's Licheng district on July 13, drawing significant attention.7月13日,济南首辆无人驾驶公交亮相历城区进行道路测试,吸引了众多市民关注。
The bus measures 5.5 meters in length and 2.7 meters in height. It achieves level-4 autonomy, which means the car can drive by itself in most conditions without a human backup driver, with a top speed of 40 kilometers per hour.这部无人驾驶公交车全长5.5米,高2.7米,已实现L4级高度自动驾驶,最高车速可达到每小时40公里。
Liu Ke, director of the technical management department of Jinan Public Transport Group, said that the bus is equipped with 10 seats and operates via voice control. It is outfitted with various radars and cameras to achieve 360-degree environmental perception. The system of the bus comprises three main components: perception, decision-making, and control, allowing for autonomous lane-changing and precise docking.济南公交集团技术管理部部长刘珂接受记者采访时介绍,车内采用卡座设计,配有10个座椅,同时,车内所有设施均采用语音控制,可进行灯光开关、空调温度调节等操作。该公交车的感知系统主要由车上的摄像头及雷达组成,该车辆配备了2个激光雷达、2个盲区雷达、2个毫米波雷达、12个超声波雷达、10个摄像头,可实现周边360°环境感知。
The bus will spend approximately two days collecting high-precision map data before commencing actual autonomous driving road tests. Upon completing 240 hours or 1,000 kilometers of road testing and passing a review, the bus will apply for autonomous vehicle demonstration application.该车将用2天左右的时间完成高精地图采集,而后车辆将开始真正的自动驾驶道路测试。完成240小时或1000公里道路测试并审核通过后,将申请自动驾驶车辆进行示范应用。
This year, Jinan Public Transport Group plans to introduce four autonomous buses, aiming to conduct tests in various scenarios.2024年济南公交将推广自动驾驶公交车4辆,并进行多个场景的测试。
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